Before we start....a bit about me and animals

Molly July 2004

Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened.
- Anatole France
Before Molly came to live me me I had enjoyed the companionship of dogs for almost all of my life. It is my belief that all living things are deeply connected and as such, we humans bear the responsibility to respect, protect and provide loving care for our animal companions. It's the least that we can do.
I have always had a deep and loving attachment for all "fur coat" members of my family, but my love for Molly was special. Over the years, people would often comment about the extraordinary bond that had formed between us. It could be because she was a German Shepherd Dog and they are extremely loyal to their "people" or perhaps it could have been because she was on borrowed time for so long and I was wholeheartedly committed to her safety and comfort. Then could be simply that I loved her regardless of the situation or the hurdles we had to clear. Borrowed time or not, she was and continues to be my heart song - sometimes a sad, but always a beautiful melody. Whatever the reason, we had a a"fairly good ride" through to the end of the road.
As I revisit my experiences with Molly, I see how our partnership cemented some life lessons for me that previous animal companions had started. As a teacher, and an animal lover, I hope that readers of our story may find some revelations and some resources that they can use on their journeys with beloved four-footed companions.

When I was young, I believed the dogs were the lucky ones!!! How very silly of me!! How blessed we were to experience the gentle spirits of Molly and Christy!!!
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