Christmas Memories of Molly

That was the last time that she got up on the sofa. The DM had progressed to the point where she needed help to walk. For some reason she wanted to be on the sofa again and asked John to help her up where she surveyed her world from a loftier vantage point.
This was the second of two memorable occasions that winter. The first took place when Molly who had not been walking more than half of a block at a time, gifted me on my birthday with her last walk around the block.
John and I were both shocked when she kept pulling on the leash, but she was persistent, as if to say "it's not over with yet" so don't give up on me.
Yesterday as I was reflecting on a conversation that I had earlier in the day with Ben, a reporter from the local newspaper who came to see Holling, I thought of Molly's last year and Ben's question regarding whether I'd do it all over again.
It was the little things - like Molly walking around the block on my birthday, asking to get up on the sofa at Christmas, waiting patiently by the door every day to have her car ride and expecting to stop for "one dog's worth of turkey" ($1's worth of freshly roasted turkey at the Concord sandwich shop)...yes, the little things that kept telling me that despite all of her challenges, she still wanted to "hang around a bit longer."
So Ben, the answer to your question is ..... Yes, I would do it all over again, given that the same resources are still available to me.
Peace everyone.